Britney's history: "Britney has been with me about six months now, and she is a very different dog from the frightened, skinny, dull-coated stray that the Animal Control Officer from Taylor County, KY turned over to me. We do not know how long she was a stray, but she's definitely a young adult. I'd say she's around a year and a half old now. Brit is extremely intelligent. She is also an energetic girl, and I think she'd be awesome in Agility and Rally. She loves to go out to the park with me for walks, but I don't ask her to stay in close. I take her out on a 30' long line so she can cast and sniff to her heart's content. She has ton's of personality. She's a real tail-wagger, and gives little chin kisses. Belly rubs are her idea of bliss. She is also very inquisitive. Brit plays well with the other dogs, though now and then she gets bossy, and all I have to do is say, "Brit!" and she knows to settle down. She's used to eating in her crate, which is a procedure I use with multiple dogs in the household, so I can make sure everyone is getting their correct amount of food. Because she is very curious about any and everything, she's still sleeping in her crate at night. This prevents her from getting anything that might be harmful to her. I have not done a lot of obedience with her yet, as I really felt she needed to build confidence and to learn to trust people more. We have definitely accomplished those two goals. And physically, she's gorgeous! She has grown a beautiful coat, her eyes are bright and she's filled out considerably. (When she came to me, we could count every rib.) Brit would do well in a multiple dog household, but if she's in a single dog household, she will need companionship and activity with her family. She is quite gregarious."
Hi Lisa, Britney is doing good, she had tons of energy! Still loves the birds, walks and her sister dog. Next week we start dog training class.
She has been going to my sister's doggie daycare once a week and likes that too, plus it wears her out a little. I started running a couple miles with her.
Still trying to get her to gain a little weight. She is so skinny she can slip through the side gate on one side of our fence. We are working on her barking and ability to get into the garden, but otherwise she is a great dog. Here's some pics!
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