Enjoy this Story of two once homeless pups,.. Rusty and Gypsy,.
2 dogs that no one wanted,.....
2 dogs that no one wanted,.....
Except a lucky guy, by the name of Rich....
Rusty was approximately 10 months old when I adopted him from IBR. Lisa let me have him for a weekend trial run and he was pointing Robins in the back yard like the National Champ, and curled up and went to sleep in the house at night.
How could I not keep him?


When I first saw her she had a high snappy tail, and was launching her body into the adult dogs.
She was bold.
Gyp has all the tools. A good nose, a beautiful gait with a high snappy tail, and a lot of drive without being stubborn.
She is a work in progress, but she could be a real good one.
We have just come home from a week long hunting trip where I was lamenting a bit on the last day about not getting any good bird work from Gypsie.
Well, on the last walk of the last day she pointed a covey of prairie chickens.
Needless to say, I was thrilled.
She still has a long way to go, but that was major progress.
One last note from Rich:
I told Lisa if I could have him for the rest of my days I'd be happy. I met an 80 year old guy last week that was hunting w/ a pointer and a setter. How's that for giving a guy hope! Anyway, I was describing for him how Rusty handles running roosters by outrunning them and then back pointing them pinning the bird between me and him. Some get away, but he's quite successful at it. The old gentlemen told me I may never have another dog in my life that learns to do that. Dogs don't live long enough.
Thanks again,
P.S. Rusty is not a finished dog. He is not steady to wing and shot, but he is as staunch as the day is long. He is not force broke. Most of the birds are deposited on my toe. But I'm fine with that. He's just my personal hunting dog and I think we both like it that way, although Rusty would probably hunt for anyone that will take him.
Thanks again,
P.S. Rusty is not a finished dog. He is not steady to wing and shot, but he is as staunch as the day is long. He is not force broke. Most of the birds are deposited on my toe. But I'm fine with that. He's just my personal hunting dog and I think we both like it that way, although Rusty would probably hunt for anyone that will take him.
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